Why Are Elevated Dog Bowls Better?

Why Are Elevated Dog Bowls Better?

Are you concerned about your dog’s health? If so, there are some easy ways to help her feel better and stay healthier, including choosing the right dog food bowl and feeder. You might think that any dog bowl will do, but your pup may be healthier if you choose an elevated dog bowl or stand rather than putting her regular food bowl on the floor or table. This can make feeding easier on your pet, reduce the risk of bloat and other health problems, and improve her posture as well.
What is a Raised Dog Bowl
A raised dog bowl is a special type of dog bowl designed to elevate your pet’s eating surface. Raised dog bowls are beneficial because they allow your pet to eat and drink in a more natural position. Veterinarians often recommend elevated dog bowls for pets with neck, back or joint problems.
How to Choose the Right One
When choosing an elevated dog bowl, opt for one that’s made of high-quality materials (such as stainless steel or ceramic) and one that is adjustable.  These feeders ensure that you can angle the bowls that best fit your pets needs. 
Help, My dog won’t eat from their bowl
Your pet might not like being fed from a bowl placed on flat flooring, so you should place her food and water bowls on a raised platform or stand. By doing so, your dog will be able to eat without straining her neck or back. Place a raised bowl in areas where your dog likes to eat, so that she can remain seated while she eats.
The Best Way to Transition from Her Old Bowl to Her New One
To make your dog’s transition to her new elevated dog bowl as smooth as possible, make sure you break up her old feeding routine. Don’t simply place it on top of her existing bowl. Instead, move her food around. If she eats in a specific corner of your kitchen, place half of that in your new elevated dog bowl and half in her old one until she gets used to eating out of both.
What to Look for in Raised Dog Bowls
Easy for Your Pet to Eat From : A raised dog bowl allows your pet to eat without having to bend down and strain his or her neck. This can improve your pet’s quality of life over time by preventing health issues associated with wear and tear on their joints.
Tips for Raising Your Dog Bowls off the Floor
The key to properly raising your dog’s bowls is to get him used to using them by following these steps: Start by placing one of your dog’s regular food or water bowls on top of a stool or other elevated surface. Let him eat from it for a few days until he gets used to eating there.
You can check out our elevated pet bowls here